Learn all the important golf terms
Albatross/double eagle – three strokes under par on one hole.
The most common form of albatross amongst players is when they hole out in two strokes on a par 5. But even a hole-in-one on a par 4 hole counts as an albatross.
means a score of 1 -under par on any individual golf hole. For example, 3 strokes on a par 4.
means a score of 1 -over par on any individual golf hole. For example, 4 strokes on a par 3 hole.
Group of play
One player = singles
two players = a twosome
three players = a threesome
Four players = a foursome
Is a term used to identify which players will make it to play into the weekend. The field in golf tournaments are larger than the total number of places paid out. It is only the players who make the cut that will receive a check from the tournament based on their place of finish.
A term used to describe a direction of a hole. When the fairway goes right after the turning point, golfers call the hole a “dogleg right”. When the fairway goes left, it is a “dog leg left.” A hole that has two bends in its fairway – which only happens on a par 5 hole – is called a “double dogleg”. The name comes from the resemblance of the bend of the fairway to a dog´s ankle area.
A term used to describe a golf shot that curves from the player’s right to his left.
Double bogey
Means a score of 2 -over par on any individual golf hole. For example, 5 strokes on a par 3 hole.
The small chunk of turf that is dislodged when a club head strikes the ground as a player hits the ball.
A bad shot
means a score of 2 -under par on any individual golf hole. For example, 3 strokes on a par 5 hole.
The center, short-mown part of a golf hole in between the teeing ground and the green.
A Florida golf ball
A used golf balls that has been washed and sold to a lower price. A good tip for beginner golfers that tend to lose their golf ball more often.
Shouted when the ball is heading towards someone.
A shot so close that only a short putt is needed, and the other players agree can count automatically without being played
A fee every player must pay to enter a golf course. It usually varies from course to course, if you already are a member at a club you, the membership fee counts as green fee.
When a right-handed player strikes the ball such that it curves sharply from right to left. And the other way around for a left-handed player.
while in play the Lie is the position/location of the golf ball.
The degree/angel of the face of the club
Referring to a second shot from Tee, after a bad first shot.
A Mulligan is not allowed in match play or during any round that will affect your HCP.
Out of bounds (OB)
There area of the course is often marked by white stakes which should be avoided where play is not allowed. If you hit your ball out of bounds you will play a new ball from the same point of play with one shot penalty.
Penalty shot
Penalty shots are an unfortunate part of every golfer’s life. You may find yourself in variety of penalty situation during a game of golf. You then add a shot or two to your score and continue play.
The long grass next to the fairway. It is every golfers goal to avoid playing from the ruff since the grass I taller and more difficult to hit from.
When a right-handed player strikes the ball such that it curves sharply from left to right. A slice is often a beginner mistake.
Teeing ground
Teeing ground, also referred to as tee box is the area where play begins in a hole of golf. Swedish golf courses usually have four different tee boxes; white, yellow, blue and red. Yellow tee markers are the gentleman’s tee and red tee markers marks the lady’s tee. White and blue tee boxes are for scratch players only.
With a solid grasp of golf terminology, you’re ready to hit the course with confidence. Experience the perfect blend of timeless style and modern functionality with our collection of premium golf apparel, designed to keep you comfortable and at your best on the course.
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